Saving money is never a bad thing; if you have a steady, livable income, you should still never let anyone shame you for using coupons or looking for other ways to cut costs. If you don’t have a reliable income, it becomes even more important to pinch those pennies. Check out this awesome list by Emily Co at Popsugar Finance for ways to live more frugally today:
-Automate all your bills and savings- make sure they (and you) are always paid each month.
-Insulate your windows with blankets during the winter
-Cook frugally- use rice and beans, try to make any meat you cook last for more than one meal
-Pick your own fruit from a local orchard- you can get a lot of produce for a little money; can/preserve your leftovers.
-Check your bills each month to make sure you aren’t overcharged- speak up and call the company if you believe there is a mistake.
-Get a deep freezer and fill it with fresh fruits and veggies.
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