Ticks (and all other arachnids, really) give me the heebie-jeebies. That’s right- ticks are technically spiders that suck your blood and also may give you Lyme Disease. Yay! It’s important to protect yourself from ticks when outdoors by wearing long pants and close-toed shoes, but what about your pets? Yes, you can use some sort of anti-flea/tick medication on them once a month, but there’s a way to also make your entire yard more pet-friendly (and less tick-friendly). Check out this post by Dogington Post at the Ebay Blog for tips on ridding your yard of ticks:
-Mow your yard regularly- ticks love tall grasses. Rake leaves often in the fall.
-Keep playground equipment, lawn furniture, etc. in a sunny location
-Keep yard free of debris, wood piles, old furniture, etc. that gives ticks places to live
-Plant tick-repelling plants like lavender and peppermint.
-Gravel and rock can create borders (against wooded areas) that ticks will not cross.
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