Don’t get fooled by these guys. They are some great tricksters!
Help Fight Climate Change
I know that a lot of our readers have their own blogs, so I figured I would help spread the word. You can get the code and imbed this badge on your blog.
What is the purpose? From Brighter Planet’s 350 Challenge :
"Post the badge on your site and we’ll offset 350 pounds of carbon in
your name! 350 pounds! That’s like flicking off 100 lightbulbs for a
day. Or going two full weeks without your car!"
So go ahead and get your badge to make the planet a brighter place!
Have You Ever Met Anyone Famous?
I have never met anyone famous but have spoken with (either in person or online) with many people that have. In fact, a woman I used to work with was on the same airplane with my favorite actor, James Stewart. She didn’t want to bother him so she did not say anything to him, but I am still jealous!
Have you ever had a close encounter or sighting of a famous person? If you have, share your story with us. It is a small world after all!
Fun Childhood Memories
I have so many wonderful memories from my childhood. My family did a lot together and especially during the summer months. I have a memory of a prank that my sister and I pulled that I always remember around this time of year.
We used to go camping a lot when I was young. My sister and I got those
little white popper firecracker things…you know what I am talking
about? You throw them to the ground and they crack/pop loudly.I think
they are called cracker snaps. Anyway, we would go to the
showers/bathrooms at the campground and stick them under the toilet
seats. Then we would go outside and wait for someone to go in and use
the toilet. Someone would sit on it and it would POP and they would
shriek. It really was hilarious (and harmless)!
So, do you have any pranks to share or any particularly fun childhood memories?
Tips For Shopping With Your Kids
After shopping with my three little boys yesterday, I have decided to never do it again! What was I thinking? Here is a short video with tips for shopping with your children.
The Stink Bug Invasion Continues
I wrote about these horrid little creatures called stink bugs back in October. At that point in time, it was a full invasion where the siding of my house was literally covered with their creepy little bodies. They were also getting inside the house. It is now June and although my siding is stink bug free, the inside of my house is not!
I figured I would bring this topic up again because my original post is still getting comments from other unlucky people that have also been invaded by these things. Unfortunately, none of us have found a solution. I truly thought I would get a break from these bugs at least until the fall, but no such luck. The box elder bugs have gone away but the stinky little buggers just keep hanging out in my house. I remove anywhere between 2 and 7 a day.
If anyone out there has any tips or suggestions for the permanent removal of these pests, please let us know. Did I mention that they REALLY stink?!
Cell Phones And Kids
I am really trying to decide how I feel about kids having cell phones. What is the right age? Is giving your child a cell phone spoiling them excessively? Does the convenience outweigh the seemingly ridiculous notion of it? These are some of the thoughts going through my mind about the subject.
My oldest son is just nine and many of his friends have cell phones already. I just think it is a little too much a little too soon. Although, having a cell phone on your child might provide an extra measure of safety. They would be able to reach you quickly if they needed you. You would also be able to keep tabs on them a little better I suppose.
I was reading a blog called Motherwise Cracks and her article about "Cell Phone Snobbery". This type of thing is what makes me lean towards giving kids cell phones is spoiling them too much:
"I handed my cell phone to my son’s friend so he
could call home. He handed it back to me and asked someone else to use
their phone. I asked what the matter was and he replied, “I’m not used
to such a basic model.”
Where do you stand on this subject? Kids and cell phones: too much or just normal for the times?
My Son Keeps Taking Off His Diaper
Baby D is almost 22 months old now. He just loves taking off his clothes and running around in his little birthday suit. That is very normal at this age and it is kind of cute and funny. The problem comes when he is alone in his bedroom. He strips down and takes off his diaper. For two days straight, I walked in to a room full of little poopies spread (and smeared) all over his room! He had also taken aim at his carpet and bed!
A friend suggested a possible solution to this problem. She said to put his diaper on backwards because he might have a harder time removing it. I am going to give it a try but have a feeling that mischevious Baby D will work his way around that one quickly enough. I also wonder if a backwards diaper will absorb properly, and I already have a problem with him waking up wet. Another thought she had was putting a onesie on him because the snaps might deter him.
I would truly appreciate any suggestions that someone might have. It wouldn’t be a big deal for him to take off his clothes but I am starting to dread opening his door after a nap. I already know what he ate, I don’t need to be reminded in this yucky way!
Father’s Day Writing Contest
"A good dad is…….", that is the question posed to you by Become A Better Father. Do you think you can answer that question?
Enter the 1st Annual Father’s Day Writing Contest and you could win "A free one-hour consultation with Scott Hammond, a $25 Starbucks gift
card, a full-featured blog post on Become A Better Father, and much, much more!"
No Wallet, No Problem With Digital Photo Keychains!
I have been very bad about NOT taking pictures lately. For the most part, I tend to take less pictures in the winter and more in the summer. I absolutely need to make a concentrated effort to do better. My babies are growing up quickly and I will kick myself later for not having enough pictures.
The other thing I am guilty of is NOT carrying pictures in my wallet. The fact that I don’t have a wallet makes it difficult! I use the type of purse that has places to hold your credit cards and such, so it frees up the need for a bulky wallet. I saw the really cool giveaway that Shakadoo is doing with They have digital photo keychains that will display your precious collection. That nifty little gadget looks like the perfect way to show off your photos!
I am not going to enter the giveaway since I write for Shakadoo. However, I wanted to state for the record which keychain is my favorite! It is the Nascar keychain: Jimmie Johnson #48 baby! Me thinks I just need to order that as a little gift for myself.
Now, all of you lucky ducks that are able to enter that contest, go and enter now! Good luck to all and be happy to know that I will soon be sporting my new Jimmie Johnson keychain! (And the digital photo keychain too. Of course I didn’t forget about that! I am on a picture taking mission this summer.)