There’s nothing worse than having to call customer service. Every time I have to call, I sit on the phone for an hour, minimum. That’s if I’m lucky. Now, if I’m somewhere where I can’t do anything else, then that’s not a huge deal, but I always have stuff that I should be doing otherwise. I’m definitely not the only person who feels that way. Indeed, there’s even a service where people will call customer service for you. GetHuman promises to call customer service on your behalf for a small fee.
“These customer service procedures have become these long obstacle courses for us,” said GetHuman CEO Christian Allen, GetHuman. “We avoid them, we procrastinate, and in some cases we don’t do them at all.”
The service has already helped 10,000 people since it launched, and there are now five full-time workers who do nothing but call customer service for people as a full-time job. GetHuman charges $5 to $25 per call, and I assume that most of the calls are $25 simply because it usually takes a lot of time to get to a human, no matter what you try to do. There are other services sprouting up to do the same thing, too; of course, most companies would rather you contact them directly, rather than go through a third party.
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